Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

Are you a collector? Do you get fascinated with one particular item or topic? Do you turn it into a hobby where you seek out that item from all parts of the globe? I didn’t think I was a collector, and consider myself more of a minimalist - finding it a tad stressful to have too much stuff lying around for sorting, but then I realised after going through my photos, that I absolutely AM a collector, a collector of images!

I ‘collected’ hundreds of photos of signs while we were living abroad. At one point in my life, I was interested in becoming a graphic designer, so I guess it makes sense that I would be drawn to the varied graphic images I saw whilst travelling. Some were images that I’ve seen throughout my life in American movies - eg the Route 66 signs and Wonder Bread images you’ll see below, others were the fabulous Art Deco signs that I learnt about whilst studying art at school, and then there’s the location signs that filled me with excitement and anticipation. I was also drawn to the vintage signs that spoke of another era, and the historical markers that provided context to the land I was visiting.

When I look back now at the variety of signs I’ve captured, they remind me of the enormous diversity that exists in the US. Each sign brings back a personal memory of adventure and discovery, but they also tell a wide variety of stories. Some signs evoke feelings of fun and frivolity, whilst others conjure feelings of sadness and despair.

A sign is our first impression, and can be the only decision making factor in why we visit somewhere.

“Buyers make most decisions by relying on their two-second first impressions based on stored memories, images and feelings." Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.

But they’re also interesting to look at - particularly when they use dazzling colour, lights and interesting fonts. I was certainly drawn to ‘collecting images’ of them everywhere I went, and it was fun! It gave me something to look out for each time I went out or on the road, and I received that little buzz of excitement when I discovered a really different or interesting sign.

I loved this little hobby of collecting, it brought me much joy in all the moments I took the images, and even more joy now collating them together in this post. Following is a selection of some of the those images of signs, mostly from the US, with a few from France and the UK scattered throughout. They were mostly IPhone shots taken out of the car window, or photos quickly snapped as I was walking by - but they represent small moments of personal joy as I appreciated the design, or colour, or the learning that took place as I viewed the signs, or the excitement I felt as I came across yet another city or state ready to explore.

Location Signs

Restaurant, Bar & Shop Signs

Hotel Signs

Other Interesting Signs

Whatever it is that brings you joy, do it, even if it’s as simple as collecting images of signs! The more you do what you enjoy, the higher your vibration and the more light you’ll bring into the world.

And finally, a short word on spiritual signs. I experienced many of them whilst I was abroad - perhaps because I was in an extremely spiritual place (The South), and maybe because I was removed from my usual social conditioning, so my ‘spider-senses’ were more alert, and I was open to listening and receiving on a different level. When you’re taken out of your comfort zone, and face much isolation - it can lead to finding solace through other means, and you can awaken to a strong universal force that delivers all sorts of signs through animals, numbers, and synchronicities.

I came across this amazing story on Youtube which discusses these types of spiritual signs, and fascinatingly, how they’re related to the brain and science. It’s well worth a listen if you have 15 minutes to spare.

Enjoy, and once again, thank you for reading.

Christina x


2021 In Review


An Assemblage of Thoughts